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CBB > Capital Markets Supervision Directorate (“CMSD”)
Capital Markets Supervision Directorate (“CMSD”)
Total Listed Companies
Licensed Listed Companies
Licensed Members
Licensed Self-Regulatory Organizations
Capital Markets Licensees under Volume 6
Licensed Exchanges
Licensed Clearing, Settlement and Central Depository Systems
Licensed Securities Broker-Dealers
Licensed Securities Brokers
Licensed Crypto-asset Service Providers
The Central Bank of Bahrain’s (‘CBB’) Capital Markets Supervision Directorate (‘CMSD’) is mandated to supervise and regulate the Kingdom of Bahrain’s capital markets; its main objective being to maintain a transparent, fair and efficient capital market for ensuring investor protection, thereby protecting the Kingdom’s integrity and reputation as the region’s leading financial centre.
In pursuing its mandate, the CMSD strives to comply with all relevant international standards, in particular those of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (‘IOSCO’). Bahrain was last reviewed for compliance with IOSCO’s core principles in 2005-2006, by the International Monetary Fund (‘IMF’). In 2008, it became a signatory to the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (‘MMOU’) concerning consultation, cooperation and the exchange of information.
All regulations relating to the capital markets in the Kingdom of Bahrain are under Volume 6 of the CBB Rulebook and the designated Capital Market Regulations section on the CBB website.
The CBB is continuously working on completing the implementation of its plan for the development and update of the legislative, regulatory and supervisory framework for the capital markets sector, in line with international standards and best practices in consultation with the stakeholders and interested parties in this sector and all other financial sector components in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Consultation papers can be viewed on the CBB website by clicking here.
Final versions of the Modules are available in the Rulebook section of the website and can be viewed on the CBB website by clicking here.
Complaints which relate to potential cases of contravention of the CBB Law, rules and regulations, or a Self-Regulatory Organization’s (‘SRO’) business rules in relation to the capital markets in the Kingdom of Bahrain may be lodged using the Complaint Form provided (click here).
Functions & Contact Details
Licensed Exchanges and Market Operators
Licensed Clearing, Settlement and Central Depository Systems
Licensed Market Intermediaries and Representatives
Crypto-asset Service Licensees
Issuance, Listing and Corporate Restructure
Disclosure and Investor Protection
Investor Education
Market Surveillance
Investigation & Enforcement
Self-Regulated Organizations (‘SROs’)
Bahrain Bourse B.S.C. (c) (‘BHB’)
As of October 2024, market capitalization of the BHB stood at USD 20.56 billion. BHB’s listed securities include 39 equities, 19 bonds (both conventional and Islamic), 34 Treasury Bills, 3 Mutual Funds, and 2 listings in the Bahrain Investment Market (‘BIM’).
Trading is carried out through 9 licensed members and day-to-day trading takes place through the Automated Trading System (ATS).

Bahrain Clear B.S.C. (c) (‘BHC’)
Bahrain Clear B.S.C. (c) (‘BHC’) is a fully owned subsidiary of BHB, which was incorporated in the Kingdom of Bahrain on 17th July 2017 and licensed by the CBB as a Clearing, Settlement and Central Depository System. BHC is engaged in managing the shareholders share book of the listed companies and registering members to the Central Depository System for the purpose of trading as well as providing securities services to the custodian. The systems used by BHC are automated which ensure a fast and efficient trading process, ensuring delivery versus payment on a T+2 basis.